About this Project

Corona Tracer BD is based on centralized system model, which describes itself as a “Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing” system. I along with my colleagues were assigned the task to design a contact tracer app for the people of Bangladesh during this emergency.

Joint Initiative By : ICT (BD), IEDCR, DGHS, Shohoz

Date : March, 2020

Category : UI & UX Design, Digital Contact Tracing


Embracing the Power of Design Sprint

Understanding the Monumental Challenge

Meticulously Mapping the Problem

Navigating Technology Considerations and Opportunities

Defining the “How Might We” Questions

Harnessing the power of digital collaboration tools such as Miro and Figma, we engaged in a thought-provoking How Might We session. This pivotal exercise unearthed crucial questions to guide our design process, including:

– How might we effectively communicate a user’s COVID-19 status?
– How might we notify users of possible infection without triggering social unrest?

Illuminating the User Journey Flow

Our journey began with a meticulous mapping of the user’s experience, step by step. This granular exploration allowed us to identify pain points and challenges that demanded innovative solutions.


Sketch and Prototype Design

With the foundational understanding of our app’s goals firmly in place, we transitioned to the next phase—sketching and prototyping. This dynamic process of rapid iterations fostered a “no judgment” atmosphere, encouraging the emergence of audacious ideas while also serving as the crucible where suboptimal solutions were deftly cast aside. Below is a glimpse of the final sketch:

Evolving Wireframes

Wireframes, often likened to the skeletal framework of our app, took center stage next. These wireframes served as the blueprint upon which we would layer the visual design. Embracing high-fidelity wireframes streamlined the subsequent visual design process, expediting our journey.

Drawing Inspiration from Visual References

Once the wireframes were in place, we embarked on an expedition to uncover visual references within the market. This treasure hunt helped us craft a moodboard that would serve as the North Star guiding our app’s aesthetic.

Crafting a Distinct Color Scheme

Our color scheme, a vibrant tri-color palette, was meticulously selected to ensure clarity and user-friendliness. Green symbolized “No Exposure,” yellow represented “Potentially Exposed,” and red signified “COVID Positive.”


Streamlined Iconography

To expedite development within our tight timeline, we opted for flat, less intricate icons that users could effortlessly recognize. A series of video calls gauged user reactions and the time taken to identify these icons, resulting in our finalized iconography set.

Typography That Speaks Volumes

Our typography choices were carefully curated to enhance readability and user engagement.


Charting the Next Steps and Drawing Key Conclusions

Following the design phase, the app entered a crucial phase of validation and improvement based on real-world usability testing. In the future, these findings will drive iterative design enhancements and further improve the user experience.

In Conclusion

Projects, especially those borne of necessity during a global crisis, inevitably encounter deadlines and restrictions. Our journey was no exception. While we adhered to best practices, there were conscious decisions made along the way to accommodate the exigencies of our situation.

Learning from the Experience

From a project perspective, the app’s download numbers exceeded all Key Performance Indicator (KPI) expectations. However, from a product standpoint, our journey presented a mixed basket of insights. Several critical learnings emerged:

– Clarity regarding the app’s scope was pivotal, as many users anticipated features beyond its intended purpose.
– Managing user expectations proved to be a complex challenge, with some users viewing the app as a panacea for the pandemic, while others recognized its limitations.

Acknowledging Shohoz

We owe this unique project’s success to Shohoz, the largest consumer tech platform in Bangladesh. A heartfelt expression of gratitude goes out to the Shohoz leadership team, with special recognition for Maliha Quadir, Founding Managing Director, who has been acknowledged as one of the top female founders globally for her instrumental role in raising substantial support for Bangladesh’s fastest-growing startup.

In Retrospect

In the crucible of a global pandemic, we forged an innovative and indispensable tool. Despite the challenges, we met our objectives and contributed significantly to the battle against COVID-19. This case study stands as a testament to the power of agility, innovation, and human determination in times of crisis.

Looking to the Future

As we reflect on our journey, we recognize that there is no ideal project without constraints. However, these constraints can be the catalysts for innovation and progress. Our relentless pursuit of excellence continues as we strive to make a meaningful impact on the world’s most pressing challenges.

Team Collaboration on the Project

Design on Figma

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